
Where can you taste foods flavored  by every continent on this beautiful blue planet?  That’s the open secret behind dishes offered by  the DMV’s Caribbean and Caribbean-inspired  restaurants.  With each dish, taste the world of  flavors stirred into  the Caribbean cooking  pot  by Indigenous peoples of the Americas,  Africans, Europeans, Asians, and East Indians. 

 As the DMV ushers in Summer in June  and celebrates National Caribbean American Heritage Month ,  the over 60 DMV Caribbean and Caribbean-inspired restaurants  are ready to transport you to  Caribbean cultures which celebrate the sun, spices,  flavors and fun. Lucky you, there are no planes or ships to catch; they  are  in easy reach.  Contact them for specials or promotions during the DMV’s  Caribbean Restaurant Week, the local leg of the National Caribbean Restaurant Week celebration.   You don’t want to miss this.


Our directory of DMV's Caribbean culinary businesses including restaurants, food trucks, and more.


The DMV was at the forefront of celebrating Caribbean Restaurant Week and began this celebration in 2013


Caribbean businesses in the DMV, register today to take part in DMV Caribbean Restaurant Week


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10th Annual
Caribbean Cuisine
& Restaurant Week


Clients' Testimonials

Meet Your Chefs


Bobby Lepage

Assistant Chef

Hertha Mitchell


Charles Dell

Assistant Chef

Tasty facts

Luscious bites for happiness

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